Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TIE Blog One

I am excited to teach my lesson with VoiceThread. My second graders will be learning about landforms. Using VoiceThread, they will define, compare and contrast, and videotape their findings. The students will use maps, read a story, and create a foldable using worksheets that they have provided.

Lesson Plan

Bloom's Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences


Affordances and Pedagogical Implications


1 comment:

  1. Great job sharing your planning docs as viewable to the public.

    Your Docs need to be in the order as stated on the TIE Checkbric found in the syllabus.

    Your planning docs (Blooms / Pedagogical Affordances) need to have questions or directives as will be stated to the students on the documents. Your lesson plan does not make direct reference to VoiceThread. Therefore, I'm not sure of the what or when your students are using VT. See Jenessa Trebatoski's workshop blog post in which she and her team did an EXCELLENT job stating questions and directives from their observed VoiceThread.
